Is this a DTR conversation? No. But it seems appropriate that from the onset we make it clear what we desire to accomplish by starting a blog. The Cremeens Family has not blogged since its inception in April 2009. So, why now?
The goal is twofold. (1) We desire to share how our family is growing as a Gospel-driven family. We want to be transparent about our mistakes and uphill climbs that we might offer some service to others seeking the same. (2) After a decade of ministry in discipleship and training disciple makers we desire to compile our thoughts and resources on those topics as a service to any who might use them. We have made plenty of mistakes along the way and hope that our lessons learned may prove useful to other churches seeking to be disciples who make disciples.
There you have it. The Cremeens Blog will contain a mixture of family information and discipleship resources, both driven by the Gospel.