Monday, July 30, 2012

Good Morning Girls

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." - Proverbs 31:30

Let me introduce you to a group of 9 women that I (Kari) have been going through Proverbs 31 with.   Two of them are not pictured.  (Krista is in London and Courtney is in Connecticut.)  Since Liam was born, and if I am to be totally honest since before that, I have noticed that my daily time with God has been fairly inconsistent.  I hate that my heart is prone to wander away from a desire for God's life-giving words!  Sometime this spring I just got sick of it and decided that I needed help.  My friend Whitney has told me several times about a blog designed to help women study the bible together.  Its pretty simple really.  We just all study the same thing and several times a week we e-mail each other to say what God is teaching us.  Um... why didn't I think of that?  Simple but smart right?  Here is the link .

So, I e-mailed several of my friends at church and got responses from women that were excited to try this out together.  I cannot explain to you how much of a blessing this has been to all of us!  It is amazing what daily time in God's word will do for your heart.  I love learning from God Himself in His word and then continuously getting e-mails and learning from other godly women as well.  It is as if I am meditating on scripture all day long.

This summer we studied Proverbs 31 and learned what it means to invest in becoming a woman that fears the LORD.  Wow - I never knew how applicable this passage is to my daily life!  I met with these women last week and we shared in person some things that God has been teaching us.  These women are all different because they have spent time in God's life-changing word.  Some of them have said that their husbands have noticed a change in them.  I can see change in their lives just by hearing them talk about it.  I have become convinced (again) that God's word is necessary in my life.  If I want to be a virtuous woman, or a godly wife, or have any hope at all I need Him to give me life through His words daily.

What a treasure we have in His word!  And what a treasure I have in these friendships.  Thank you to my "Good Morning Girls" for all the wisdom that you have imparted to me this summer.  I trust that our lives, marriages and children are all enriched from the time we spent with Him and with each other!

1 comment:

  1. Kari!!! Just now seeing this, and am so encouraged by what God is doing in all of your lives! So thankful that we are not alone in this battle, and that God has given us His Word - and each other - to help us daily seek to be more like Him. Thank you for reaching out to these awesome ladies, and for sharing your heart. YOU are such a blessing to me!!
